
Healing benefits all people and animals. It's the oldest form of medicine, predating herbs and plants. It is the channelling, or flow, of healing energies through the healer, from the Universe to the recipient. The energy goes deep into the cells through the main energy centres of the body called Chakras, a Sanskrit word meaning disk or wheel. It is then transported out via the meridian system, to all the organs, the various glands of the endocrine system, and to wherever it's needed.

Healing is a completely holistic, non-invasive, deeply relaxing therapy. It helps the whole being rather than individual symptoms, removing any blockages, enabling the body to heal itself, bringing balance to the mind, body and spirit.

The following are some examples of how healing could help horses:

  • Anxiety and stress

  • Separation anxiety

  • Sleep - maybe your horse isn't getting enough REM sleep

  • Depression

  • Trauma

  • Yard changes/the loss of a herd member/best friend/human friend

  • Pain such as colic, laminitis or arthritis

  • Sweet itch

  • Improve immunity

  • It can help deepen the bond between horse and owner/guardian

  • Maybe your horse just isn't feeling right and you can't work out what the problem is

  • Deeply relaxing (a horse doesn't have to be ill to receive healing)

  • It can support the horse at the end of his life, helping him to relax and aid a peaceful transition.

The following are some examples of how healing could help people:

  • Anxiety and stress

  • Insomnia

  • Depression

  • Pain

  • Immunity

RELAX HAO Equine Massage

A relaxing therapy that can help with the following:

  • Increased circulation

  • Improve range of motion

  • Release tension

  • Relieve pain and discomfort

  • Reduce stress and anxiety

  • Promotes relaxation and well-being

Distant Healing (for all animals and people)

Distant healing, also known as remote healing, or absent healing, may suit you or the animal if unable to travel, or residing in a different county. This is done by tuning into the person or animal intuitively to make that connection, via a photograph, and sending the healing by intention, over the airwaves, a bit like Wifi.

This can be done over the phone or online at a convenient time to suit.

Animal communication

I will connect intuitively with your pet via a photograph and provide a written report. If I am healing a horse physically, then I may communicate with him during the session.


Intuitive readings